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Land of Learning

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Hi! I currently work in London as a Deputy Headteacher. I love all things teaching and learning! I am extremely passionate about education and find researching and creating new strategies and ideas exciting. The world of teaching and leading in England is highly stressful and it's up to all of us to look after each other's well-being...I hope my resources save you some precious time.




Hi! I currently work in London as a Deputy Headteacher. I love all things teaching and learning! I am extremely passionate about education and find researching and creating new strategies and ideas exciting. The world of teaching and leading in England is highly stressful and it's up to all of us to look after each other's well-being...I hope my resources save you some precious time.
Growth Mindset Activity Pack - supporting your pupils to develop a better mindset

Growth Mindset Activity Pack - supporting your pupils to develop a better mindset

An activity booklet with 9 thought-provoking activities to support your pupils to improve their mindset. These activities are designed to encourage pupils to dig deeper and understand themselves better. Guide them through these activities and alongside teaching, they should start to understand how to improve their mindset. There are two questionnaires, one for the beginning of the project and one meant for when you have promoted a growth mindset for a few months. You can use this to analyse change. Any questions, just ask!
Quinn & The Wackading - a story of bullying, self-esteem and friendship

Quinn & The Wackading - a story of bullying, self-esteem and friendship

An engaging tale surrounding the themes of: bullying, self-esteem and friendship. This story is a great tool for PSHE lessons, assemblies or English lessons. Pupils will follow Quinn on his adventure of self-discovery. I have written the story to include a whole host of interesting language devices, including alliteration and repetition, which can be discussed and pupils can imitate in their own similar story.
Topic Map - example and blank - cross-curricular topic planning - very visual

Topic Map - example and blank - cross-curricular topic planning - very visual

A great way to start planning a topic. Get all of your ideas down on a colourful and visual topic map. Included is an example map created for my topic on Hamlet and a blank version, which can be adapted and tailored to suit your needs. If you're running CPD on planning a topic, this is a good way to get staff thinking about cross-curricular links. If you do have any questions or need any support, please send me a message. *My resources always take me a lot of time and effort to create so I hope that they help to save you some precious time - please do review my resources. Thank you!*
Who is TRUMP? An informative & interesting presentation on Donald Trump

Who is TRUMP? An informative & interesting presentation on Donald Trump

A great 13-slide presentation, which can be used for lessons or an assembly. I strongly believe that children should learn about politics from a young age, in an accessible and interesting way. The presentation consists of: -Quiz and answers -Facts about Trump and his family -Facts about Trump's businesses -Information about the nomination and election -Some of Trump's views The presentation can spark some excellent debates and lead into interesting English lessons.
UK National Poetry Day Informative Presentation

UK National Poetry Day Informative Presentation

A presentation for primary-aged pupils on National Poetry Day in October. This is a 13 slide presentation, which looks at National Poetry Day, looks at examples of dfferent types of poems, contains fun facts and a 5 question quiz with answers. As well as for assemblies, this resource can also be used for a general introduction to poetry. If you have any questions or need any support, send me a message and I'll do anything I can to help. My resources use English spelling. Please do review any resources that you download - many thanks!
Growth and fixed mindset presentation - pupils learn all about the differences of mindsets

Growth and fixed mindset presentation - pupils learn all about the differences of mindsets

A presentation for assembly or lesson on mindsets. The presentations helps primary-aged pupils to understand what a growth and a fixed mindset are and how they can work towards developing a growth mindset. The presentation also talks about comfort zones and Carol Dweck, who created the theory of mindsets. Having a growth mindset plays a vital part in being happy and successful, if you haven't already, I would suggest definitely developing a growth mindset programme for your school...this presentation is a great introduction to that! If you have any questions or need any support, send me a message and I'll do anything I can to help. My resources use English spelling. Please do review any resources that you download - many thanks!
International Joke Day July Assembly Presentation - an assembly to enjoy!

International Joke Day July Assembly Presentation - an assembly to enjoy!

International Joke Day is celebrated in July. Here's an opportunity to lead an assembly that will get pupils giggling! The powerpoint goes through the history of jokes, different kinds of jokes with examples and also gives pupils the opportunity to tell their own jokes. I have also included a clip to a funny animal video, which will have children in a good mood for the rest of the day! A fun presenation for an assembly, suitable for KS2 and lower-KS3. The presentation can also be easily adapted for a lesson on joke writing! If you do have any questions or need any support, please send me a message. Please do review my resources. Thank you!
International Day of Friendship Assembly - July - a fun and thought-provoking assembly on friendship

International Day of Friendship Assembly - July - a fun and thought-provoking assembly on friendship

International Day of Friendship is celebrated in July. Here's an opportunity to lead an assembly that will get pupils thinking! The powerpoint goes through what International Day of Friendship is, how to be a good friend, what friendship means etc. There are clips, quotes and famous friend pictures included. If you do have any questions or need any support, please send me a message. Please do review my resources. Thank you!
67 colour-coded flashcards covering all sounds  in Phase 2, 3 and 5 - Letters and Sounds

67 colour-coded flashcards covering all sounds in Phase 2, 3 and 5 - Letters and Sounds

67 flashcards covering all sounds from Phase 2 - Phase 5 in Letters and Sounds. This is one resource, which has been a saviour for many years now. Cut out and laminate the sounds and you have a great, durable set of sounds to aid the teaching of phonics. Phase 2 - blue border Phase 3 - orange border Phase 5 - green border One key element in the teaching of phonics is to revisit previous sounds taught - using these flashcards is a great way to do just that! Lots of games can be played using flashcards, including, 'your pile, my pile'. I have uploaded them as a PDF file and also as a word document, in case you wish to edit. Any questions, please just ask! Please check out my other resources...
Fun and Engaging Cross-Curricular Christmas Activity Pack

Fun and Engaging Cross-Curricular Christmas Activity Pack

A fun Christmas pack for the end of the Autumn term. The pack included exciting English and Maths activities. Guided your pupils through the activities or give them the booklet to work through independently while you take displays down or finish last minute jobs! Any questions, just ask!
Great primary transition pack - perfect for transition days, meeting new pupils & new starters

Great primary transition pack - perfect for transition days, meeting new pupils & new starters

10 fun and engaging activities to do with your new class. Includes activities, such as, showing the class a meaningful object that the pupil has brought in, sharing memories from the past year, thinking about strengths and next steps, drawing a self-portrait and much more... Also, perfect for new starters or starting the new year in September. If you do have any questions or need any support, please send me a message. *My resources always take me a lot of time and effort to create so I hope that they help to save you some precious time - please do review my resources. Thank you!*
Inspiring a Growth Mindset pack - display, activities and self-assessment

Inspiring a Growth Mindset pack - display, activities and self-assessment

A great growth mindset pack, which includes: -Fixed V Growth mindset cards, great for display or the inside cover of pupils books -Fixed V Growth mindset blank cards for pupils to create their own -Brain activity, pupils to fill the brain with words and images that they relate to having a growth mindset -Three motivation question/statement signs -A self-assessment grid for pupils to rate elements of their growth mindset over a 7 week half-term
Phonics bundle  - aimed at Phase 5

Phonics bundle - aimed at Phase 5

4 Resources
1. General flashcards covering Phase 2 - 5 2. Word flashcards for Phase 5 sounds 3. Word flashcards (same as 2.), which continue pictures. 4. Phonics Screening example test. The first 3 are great t laminate and use in teaching phonics . Also, a great resource for interventions. Any questions, just ask! Thanks for looking.
Promoting SMSC - British Values - informative assembly and guidance on running a British Values Day

Promoting SMSC - British Values - informative assembly and guidance on running a British Values Day

I recently ran a very successful British Values Day. I began the day by inviting parents/carers/governors in and delivered the attached assembly presentation to them as well as to pupils. I then gave each class a value of their own (see guidance). Classes were able to be as creative as they liked but were asked to give me one outstanding piece of display work so I could create a British Values display at the entrance of the school (see photo of display). Pupils dressed-up in their cultural clothes or wore red/blue/white and all brought in a 'gold coin donation' to give to charity. The assembly goes through each of the British Values and their meanings. There is a song and video clip attached as well as a short quiz at the end. Promoting British Values is extremely important, Ofsted say: 'Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and, within this, the promotion of fundamental British values, are at the heart of the school’s work.' Powerpoint could also be used for a KS2 lesson on British Values. If you have any questions or need any support, send me a message and I'll do anything I can to help. Please do review any resources that you download - many thanks!
Autism - An informative presentation on understanding autism for primary school children

Autism - An informative presentation on understanding autism for primary school children

I created this presentation to support my class in understanding a girl in our class that had autism. It was very important to me as many questions were being asked and some pupils were saying unkind things. After we went through this presentation, pupils were much more understanding and wanting to help. This 14 slide presentation is perfect for an assembly or lesson. It goes through in child-friendly language, what autism is, how people 'get' autism', what people with autism might do and why it's important to be a good friend to all kinds of different people. If you have any questions or need any support, send me a message and I'll do anything I can to help. My resources are all English spelling. Please do review any resources that you download - many thanks!
The Best 2016 Quiz - multiple choice questions about major events - a fun way to learn about News

The Best 2016 Quiz - multiple choice questions about major events - a fun way to learn about News

Fantastic and fun 28 slide/12 question quiz. The quiz is multiple choice and covers a range of topics including: politics, sport and celebrities. Children answer 12 questions, choosing a, b or c. They then swap papers with a partner and then the answers are relived on the Powerpoint, There is also a Roman Numeral tie breaker! Great for Christmas fun and assemblies. Any questions, please just ask!
Wimbledon 2016 Presentation - Tennis Championship Assembly

Wimbledon 2016 Presentation - Tennis Championship Assembly

How much do your pupils know about Wimbledon? Educate them with a great assembly presentation all about Wimbledon 2016 - surprise your pupils with an assembly that they're interested in! The presentation goes through the history, some facts, some information on players and the official mascot as well as a 10 question quiz with answers. The assembly is for primary age/lower-secondary and can be adapted to use for lessons. If you do have any questions or need any support, please send me a message. My resources always take me a lot of time and effort to create so I hope that they help to save you some precious time - please do review my resources. Thank you!
The Ideal Growth Mindset Pack

The Ideal Growth Mindset Pack

3 Resources
All you need to encourage and inspire pupils to develop and build on their growth mindset - something, which we know is vital to them reaching their full-potential.